Social Powered WiFi Marketing Features
Social WiFi Logins
Consumers login with their social media account that automatically gathers all the customers information including email address. Options to also have consumers sign-in with email or phone number

Custom Splash Pages
Easily customize splash pages to match businesses brand and feel. Add their logo, background images and choose types of login options
Birthday Program
Setup automated birthday offers that get sent via text or email and drive customers in. Keeping the business top of mind for customers.

Auto-Pilot Deals
Create mobile deals for businesses in minutes. Mobile deals are redeemable and can be setup as auto-pilots or broadcasted to all of the business's subscribers.
Grow Positive Reviews
The feedback and review system is an automated tool that collects feedback from customers and promotes only positive online reviews. It also gives the business an ability to respond to negative feedback before it gets permanently placed online.

Ad Network
Build a second source of revenue by creating an "ad network" on social WiFi routers that you have deployed. Customize your ad network with rotating ads in multiple positions.
Grow Social Followers
Add social widgets to help businesses grow their social media followers.

Automated Marketing
Create automated marketing campaigns via text and email. Send automated "WE MISS YOU" offers to drive customers that have not been into the store in 30 days.
Grow Customer Lists
There is no better way to AUTOMATICALLY grow a business's customers list. Using Social WiFi you can grow email and text lists to use for automated campaigns and one time broadcasts.